24 Αυγούστου, 2015

Stavros Theodorakis: We think that it is impossible to form a government with this Parliament

We think that there must be a spirit of cooperation among the political leaders, so that we can find the right consensus for the country, respecting the vote of the Greek people. We need wide social alliances. Problems cannot be solved by governments representing 30 or 35% of the population. We need 50% plus.

Statement by Stavros Theodorakis following his meeting with the President of the New Democracy party

There are things on which we agree and things on which we disagree with Mr. Meimarakis. What we agree on, and I think that the majority of the Greek people would agree on that, is that we could have avoided these elections and that this government could have stayed in power until the economy stabilizes, and have elections at the end of the year, or the beginning of next year. But, as things stand right now, and since Mr. Tsipras declined help to continue to govern with his parliamentary block, we think that it is impossible to form a government with this Parliament. Of course, we also talked about the problems of the country, which are extremely pressing right now. In the months to come, the transitional government that will be formed must try to fix a few things, or at least avoid a further deterioration of the situation. There must be a significant effort to tackle the issue of migration, as well as the issue of the insecurity that is felt by the Greek citizens right now.

Following his statement, Mr. Theodorakis answered questions by journalists.

JOURNALIST: Following the elections, can you foresee any cooperation scenario?

Stavros Theodorakis: Our opinion is that the country needs coalition governments. Even in the theoretical case that Potami had the majority, it could not solve the problems of the country on its own. So, we think that there must be a spirit of cooperation among the political leaders, so that we can find the right consensus for the country, respecting the vote of the Greek people. We need wide social alliances. Problems cannot be solved by governments representing 30 or 35% of the population. We need 50% plus.

21 August 2015


Photo credit: Theodore Manolopoulos
