24 Αυγούστου, 2015

Stavros Theodorakis: “Mr Tsipras could govern. Opposition parties enabled him to do so, through their tolerance”

These elections should have been held under a new electoral law, just like all political parties of the left have repeatedly demanded.

Three remarks before I listen to your questions


First remark: Mr. Tsipras could have continued to govern. The opposition parties were giving Mr. Tsipras the possibility to govern with their tolerance and by voting in Parliament for all the measures that they consider important, as well as those that guarantee the European future of the country.

Second remark: These elections should have been held under a new electoral law, just like all political parties of the left have repeatedly demanded. We must have had a new electoral law with smaller electoral districts in order to limit the influence of TV channels in the next Parliament, and, of course, without the egregious, surreal bonus of 50 seats. Again, because of this bonus, a political party may obtain 20% of the vote and be given as a bonus another one-sixth of the seats in Parliament.

Third remark: The country is heading for elections in a state of dissolution. The policy of SYRIZA is open borders, open prisons, open coffers (meaning empty coffers). There must be a major effort by all of us, in the days leading to the elections, to make sure that things do not get worse. Potami says elections as soon as possible, but with respect for the constitutional rules.

Stavros Theodorakis

21 August 2015

Photo credit: Theodore Manolopoulos
