30 Ιουλίου, 2015

Stavros Theodorakis: They should forget their intraparty squabbles and focus on governing

“The country has far more serious problems than those that preoccupy SYRIZA today”, stated Stavros Theodorakis at the conclusion of his meeting with the leaders of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE). The statement was in answer to a question by a journalist asking Mr. Theodorakis to comment on the proposal made by Alexis Tsipras about holding a referendum within SYRIZA. Mr. Theodorakis also said that: “I think that no one cares about the internal balance of power within SYRIZA. The Prime Minister must realize that, in January, he was elected Prime Minister of the country, not Prime Minister of a part or the whole of SYRIZA. Therefore, he must act with determination and solve the current problems of the country, not force us to preoccupy ourselves on a daily basis with what will happen internally to SYRIZA".

Following are the details of the questions by journalists and answers of Stavros Theodorakis.

JOURNALIST: What do you have to say about the proposal for an internal referendum at SYRIZA?

STAVROS THEODORAKIS: I realize that these times are hard for Alexis Tsipras. Yet, I must point out that leaders must think ahead, and I cannot help but wonder how they will solve the serious problems affecting our society when they are unable to resolve the internal squabbles within their own party. It appears that SYRIZA has a passion with referendums, but I have not understood where an internal referendum would lead us. In any case, we must remain logical. The people, as well as the Parliament, have made their decisions. All the rest is just maneuvers regarding the balance of power within the party. This is the time when seriousness is required by the people around Mr. Tsipras and the rest of the party members. It is inconceivable that a society with so many real problems be witnessing this theater of the absurd within SYRIZA.

JOURNALIST: But, isn't the referendum a democratic process?

Stavros Theodorakis: The country is facing problems much more serious than those preoccupying SYRIZA today. We don’t even know how the schools will function in September, we have hospitals that are collapsing, we have the major problem of immigration, we have the problem of labor relations, we have the problem of unemployment, we have the problem with the banks. I think that the internal politics of SYRIZA do not concern anybody. The Prime Minister must realize that, in January, he was elected Prime Minister of the country, not Prime Minister of a part or the whole of SYRIZA. Therefore, he must act with determination and solve the current problems of the country, and not force us to preoccupy ourselves on a daily basis with what will happen internally to SYRIZA".

30 July 2015

Photo credit: Theodore Manolopoulos
