28 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2016

Stavros Theodorakis: “Politicians, whose children study in private schools, praise public schools and fight private education”

“Schools and universities have always been in the hands of political parties. Therefore, all of them share the responsibility for the degradation of education”.

Addressing the Hellenic Parliament, leader of To Potami Stavros Theodorakis pointed out the hypocrisy of the SYRIZANEL government, which praises the public education, while, at the same time, their politicians’ children study in private schools and universities. Stavros Theodorakis stressed this absurdity. “Politicians, whose children study in private schools, praise public schools and fight the private ones. How hypocritical is this!”

Mr Theodorakis then accused all political parties, not only the ones which have governed, for the current state of education, saying “Schools and universities have always been in the hands of political parties. Therefore, all of them share the responsibility for the degradation of education”. He added “Are we proud of the fact that our children suffer the most, parents pay the most and we end up having the worst educational system in Europe?” He concluded “The damage that the economy has suffered can be fixed. But, the damage that the education has suffered will not be fixed, with laws and ministerial decrees”.

Commenting on the debate on religious education at schools, Mr Theodorakis urged the Orthodox Church to show boldness, stressing that our schools do not need RE more than they need physics, biology and IT. He, then, added “We must launch the debate on the separation of church and state,” encouraging the church not to hesitate joining this debate.

Photo credit: Theodore Manolopoulos
