11 Ιουνίου, 2015

With the majority that wants a deal

It is time for the government and for Europe to reach a workable compromise, before it is too late. Mr. Tsipras must return from Brussels with an agreement. If he is afraid of the balance of power within his own political party, there is a majority in Parliament that is in favor of the country remaining in the Eurozone.

The point of no return is getting closer for the country. The possibility of a destructive clash is increasing. Greece is being abandoned even by its last allies, while conservative circles are gaining ground in Europe. It is time for the government and for Europe to reach a workable compromise, before it is too late. Mr. Tsipras must return from Brussels with an agreement.  If he is afraid of the balance of power within his own political party, there is a majority in Parliament that is in favor of the country remaining in the Eurozone.  He can find his support there.  The future of the country cannot be left in the hands of a pack of backward fanatics, leftists and far-rightists, who wish to lead the country out of Europe and, finally, to a catastrophe.

11 June 2015
