2 Νοεμβρίου, 2015

Stavros Theodorakis: “The European Union, Greece and Turkey, they must all join their forces, so that migration flow can be restrained in Turkey”

To Potami, assuming its responsibilities, was the first one from all the political parties, all the European political parties too, to set the conditions, so that we would not have to deal with this tragical situation in the Aegean Sea. We pointed out, back then, that the European Union, Greece and Turkey, they must all join their forces, so that migration flow can be restrained in Turkey. This is where refugees must be controlled, where asylum must be granted. This is where the distribution must take place.

“Our own dialogue with the society is held, in order to reinforce To Potami. Liberal forces, socialists, social-democrats, people who believe in reforms, modernists, progressive ones,” stated Stavros Theodorakis, who attended the Pre-Convention Dialogue held in Crete, Athens.
Asked to comment on the major European issue of migration, Mr Theodorakis said: “To Potami, assuming its responsibilities, was the first one from all the political parties, all the European political parties too, to set the conditions, so that we would not have to deal with this tragical situation in the Aegean Sea. We pointed out, back then, that the European Union, Greece and Turkey, they must all join their forces, so that migration flow can be restrained in Turkey. This is where refugees must be controlled, where asylum must be granted. This is where the distribution must take place”. Mr Theodorakis also blamed the government for the derailment of the situation, pointing out that “Human smugglers, maybe the worst profession there can be, are those people who handle migration flows. They actually ceased the opportunity, when the government said that Greece is a country where migrants and refugees can lie in the sun. In fact, smugglers urged migrants to come to Greece, given that there would be no control, there are no refugee camps and it would be easy for them to go straight to Europe. This was a major mistake of the government”.

Below, you may find what Stavros Theodorakis replied to the journalists:

Journalist: What do you expect from the Pre-Convention Dialogue, which has started all over the country?

Stavros Theodorakis: All over Greece, not only in Crete, we have initiated the debate on the new Potami. What we want is to give the next battle, from a far better position, with young people, meaning fresh minds, who will join our Movement. People, who have already been disappointed by the behavior of political parties, mostly the behavior of the government – this unstable behavior – they turn to the banks of To Potami. Our own dialogue with the society is held, in order to reinforce To Potami. Liberal forces, socialists, social-democrats, people who believe in reforms, modernists, progressive ones”.

Journalist: What would you have done differently, compared with the past?

Stavros Theodorakis: It must not be taken for granted that you have to change. Maybe, you just need to insist on certain things. Our message has not been received by a major part of the Greek society. I think that following the disenchantment by SYRIZA, which has been lying to Greeks, people will actually realize that the truth of To Potami, may be bitter, but this is the truth of our era. We hope that, this time, our message will be perceived and approved by the Greek society.

Journalist: Today, we witnessed two new tragic shipwrecks in Samos and Farmakonisi. What do you believe about the migration issue?

Stavros Theodorakis: To Potami, assuming its responsibilities, was the first one from all the political parties, all the European political parties too, to set the conditions, so that we would not have to deal with this tragical situation in the Aegean Sea. We pointed out, back then, in one of my visits to Mytilene, that the European Union, Greece and Turkey, they must all join their forces, so that migration flow can be restrained in Turkey. This is where refugees must be controlled, where asylum must be granted. This is where the distribution must take place. We also said that people, who want to remain in hot spots in Turkey, in order to return to their countries, they must be given the chance to do so. Under decent conditions. Within the supervision and with the signature of the European Union. When we said that, from the first place, we were the first ones to do so. But, unfortunately, as it usually is the case in Athens, we were not heard. This was not the proposal of the government. Now, the European Union, with a remarkable delay, stresses that the migration flow must be restrained in the Turkish territory. I firmly believe that the frivolous calls of the government cannot go on like this. There must be a major European effort. Besides, some decades ago, Greeks were refugees too, just like most European people. Therefore, refugees must be able to find a safe shelter inside Turkey. This is where the distribution must take place, as well as the gradual absorption in the European societies, wherever they can be absorbed. Without any exclusions, without lotteries, without selections. Because all these people, they have the right to dream, but they also have the right to a safe life.

Journalist: Until then, though, must they be able to cross Aegean? Winter is on its way and things are going to get much harder...

Stavros Theodorakis: For this problem that has been created in Aegean, I am afraid that the government bears a huge responsibility, as it gave out the impression to migrants and refugees that it would be easy for them to enter the country. Migration flows are not defined by the mood of people. Unfortunately, they are defined by traffic networks, by human smugglers, maybe the worst profession there can be. These are the people who handle migration flows. They actually ceased the opportunity, when the government said that Greece is a country where migrants and refugees can lie in the sun. In fact, smugglers urged migrants to come to Greece, given that there would be no control, there are no refugee camps and it would be easy for them to go straight to Europe. This was a major mistake of the government. This specific Minister's term is over, but the policy that had been implemented by her left its marks. We claim that this drama in the Aegean Sea, it cannot go on anymore. Firstly for migrants themselves – and, of course, for the innocent children – and, also, it cannot go on because societies in the Aegean Sea cannot absorb this huge migration wave that they receive. This means that right now, we are to put pressure, so that a common language of understanding and communication with Turkey can be spoken. There is no other solution than restraining migration flow in the Turkish territory. Measures implemented by police authorities in Aegean, they just don't work. If a man falls into the sea, what matters is for him to get saved. Thus, it is normal that port officials try to save as many children, women and men as possible. However, the real challenge is for them not to fall into the sea. No matter how much you search for it, you will find no better solution than the one I suggest. Migration flow must be restrained in the Turkish territory.
