17 Ιουνίου, 2015

Stavros Theodorakis meets with the President of the Hellenic Republic: “We need to give patriotic solutions, not political party solutions”

“The country needs a patriotic solution. We should put aside our political party identities and cooperate,” stated Stavros Theodorakis, after his one-hour meeting with the President of the Hellenic Republic.

The leader of Potami, Stavros Theodorakis, in his meeting with the President of the Hellenic Republic, insisted on the need for cooperation of the political party leaders who believe in democracy and the European direction of the country. He added that there must be a convincing proposal from the Greek side, one representing the total of the Greek society. He also pointed out that we do not accept any ultimatums coming from abroad. We want to push aside the conservative circles, whose voice is being heard more and more in Europe.

This is the statement made by Stavros Theodorakis, following his meeting with the President of the Hellenic Republic:

“Our country needs a patriotic solution. We must put aside the political party identities and cooperate. In my meeting with the President of the Hellenic Republic, I insisted on the need for cooperation of the political party leaders who believe in democracy and the European direction of the country. If these political leaders, defending the European direction of the country, identify themselves with some of the positions of the Greek government, they will facilitate Alexis Tsipras in the negotiations. There are things on which we disagree with the government, actually there are many such things. But, this is not the time for us to focus on disagreements. I think that Parliament can give a solution, a solution within Europe. We do not accept any ultimatums coming from abroad. We want to push aside the conservative circles, whose voice is heard more and more in Europe. But for this to happen, it takes a convincing proposal from the Greek side, representing the total of the Greek society".

Below, are excerpts from the conversation between the President of the Hellenic Republic and the leader of Potami.

In his meeting with the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Theodorakis pointed out the need for patriotic solutions, given the latest developments. He also asked the President of the Hellenic Republic to contribute in the attempt to unite all political leaders, for the good of the country. President Prokopis Pavlopoulos stated that he is well aware of the limits of his role, but that he is willing to reach these limits. He said that Greeks want their country to remain in the Eurozone. Mr. Pavlopoulos reassured Mr. Theodorakis that he will do everything in his power, in and outside Greece. He expressed his certainty that Europe is also reconsidering its own responsibilities. He said that the solution must reflect our obligations, but also the future perspectives of the country, so that it overcomes the nightmare it is going through.

Mr. Pavlopoulos said that he is sure that political differences will be put aside and all democratic political forces will be united. Besides, he stated that “the very existence of political differences is the fertilizer nurturing the tree of democracy”. Yet, he insisted that, given the responsibility of all political leaders, and under these circumstances, leaders will join their forces in a common path.

Both men agreed that the mandate given by the Greek people to the Government is to follow the European direction.

17 June 2015

Photo credit: Theodore Manolopoulos
