17 Ιουλίου, 2015

Facebook message from Stavros Theodorakis to Alexis Tsipras

I am wondering

251 MPs gave him the mandate to negotiate, but 17 of his did not. 229 MPs voted for the first law that he asked them to support, but 39 of his did not. Yet, he did not feel the need to thank the opposition MPs that supported him. I am not talking about the Potami MPs. I am principally talking about the old MPs, the ones that endured the insults by all of SYRIZA when they were voting for the first Memorandums. And now, when they voted for the Memorandum of SYRIZA-ANEL, no one has the courage to utter a thank you.

This is not how leaders do it, my friend Alexis. This is not how Greeks do it.

Stavros Theodorakis


16 July 2015
