30 Ιουνίου, 2015

Stavros Theodorakis: Greece will not live through another disaster reminiscent of the catastrophe following the Asia Minor defeat.

Potami, the movement of progressive common sense, will keep Greece in the heart of Europe. We have solutions, we have allies, we have a plan.

Statement made by Stavros Theodorakis in the newspaper “Ethnos tis Kiriakis”.

The lobby pushing the drachma will not prevail. Greece will not live through another disaster reminiscent of the catastrophe following the Asia Minor defeat. It is a pity that a young politician, who was talking about hope, has joined in such a clumsy way the side of those that want to block all progress. ANEL and Golden Dawn are the only ones celebrating Mr. Tsipras’ decision. So, let them move together towards the drachma. The people will not follow them. Potami, the movement of progressive common sense, will keep Greece in the heart of Europe. We have solutions, we have allies, we have a plan.

30 June 2015
