“Essential reforms should be implemented, so that the power of society can be unleashed,” stated Stavros Theodorakis, following his meeting with Gianni Pittella, President of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) of the European Parliament. Asked by journalists to comment on the up-to-the-minute developments and the Summit in Riga, Latvia, Mr Theodorakis urged the Prime Minister to directly inform the society “on the current situation of the country, the government’s requests and the creditors’ demands”.
Gianni Pittella identified the need for major reforms, which will bring Greece even closer to Europe, while pointing out his close cooperation with Potami MEPs Giorgos Grammatikakis and Miltos Kyrkos.
You may find below what Stavros Theodorakis stated:
“What brings together Potami and the Alliance of Socialists and Democrats is the urgent need to implement reforms, so that the power of society can be unleashed. Essential reforms on Education, the Public Administration and the Economy. Once again, we had the chance to talk about this major European challenge.
As for “our own”, very critical issues, I have to say that we expect the Prime Minister, as soon as he gets back from Latvia, to inform the country’s political system on the course of negotiations and the talks with our European partners. We are really not aware of the developments. Even while following the news, it is hard to understand in which phase of negotiations we are in, since every minister leaks a different version.
We urge the Prime Minister to inform us officially on the current situation of the country, the government’s requests and the creditors’ demands. Besides, the government should realize that we are running out of time and we cannot afford any further delay.
Mr Pittella’s support for our country is of major importance. He is a friend of Greece, not only as a friend of Potami, and he stands by our country’s effort to reach an essential deal with Europe”.
Miltos Kyrkos, Potami MEP, Odine Linardatou, International Relations Director and George Skemperis, Diplomatic Advisor also represented Potami, in this delegation.
Gianni Pittella and Stavros Theodorakis
Miltos Kyrkos, Potami MEP, Gianni Pittella and Stavros Theodorakis
22 May 2015
Photo credit: Theodore Manolopoulos