29 Μαΐου, 2015

36 years later, the future of Greece is still in Europe

Under different conditions, in a day like this, 36 years from the day that Greece joined as a full member the then European Economic Community, we would be evaluating and analyzing the progress achieved. We would be actively participating in the debate over the major changes that must be implemented in the European Union and the Eurozone. We would be calmly evaluating the prospects and opportunities that derive from our participation in the largest voluntary political and economic Union of states and peoples in the history of humanity, a Union that is still evolving within a framework of democracy and dialogue.

The European Union is not the perfect edifice. It bears inequality, injustice, ineffectiveness, many problems and many weaknesses. It is a live laboratory of ideas that are processed and adopted through dialogue, compromises and consent. In terms of living conditions and human rights, the European Union, despite its flaws and problems, is the best place in the Planet to live in.

These observations hold even more for our country, in spite of the fact that these five years of fiscal and political crisis make our country appear as an exception among the other nations of the Union. However, only within the European Union and the Eurozone, can we achieve the solution of the crisis that we are still going through. We must make the necessary compromises so that we can secure the funds for the major changes that our country needs. The populist anti-European movement, which has developed by emphasizing the ills brought about by the crisis and the irresponsible populist demagogy of the internal “drachma promoters”, would only lead us to the total financial and social bankruptcy, an unimaginable humanitarian crisis, to the ultimate collapse.

Potami will do everything within its power to avert any such development. The future of Greece is in Europe.

29 May 2015
