2 Ιουλίου, 2015

With Daniel Cohn–Bendit, not with Le Pen

It is not surprising that Le Pen and Maduro, the President of a destroyed Venezuela, have expressed their support for Alexis Tsipras, and urged Greeks to vote NO in Sunday’s referendum. Let us not forget that on Friday, at midnight, Golden Dawn was the first to welcome the Prime Minister’s decision to carry out the referendum, and the first to declare its decision to fight for the "NO". This should make SYRIZA’s pro-Europeans, who intend to vote NO, to think twice before casting their vote.

Our allies are quite different, like Daniel Cohn- Bendit, the so-called “Danny the Red”, known for his participation in the unrest of May 1968. Danny urges us “To hold on in Europe, and to join the battle for the sake of your country”. The young generation of this country has always supported real heroes and not dictators’ caricatures.

Potami Foreign Policy and International Relations Division

2 July 2015
