22 Οκτωβρίου, 2015

I want you to be there

Leader of Potami Stavros Theodorakis wrote the letter below, urging his supporters to be present in the effort to re-organize the Movement.

Dear friends,

I want us to turn back time for a while. I want us to remember those first times when we gathered in the squares. Back then everyone thought that we were crazy. With those daring words coming from the bottom of our hearts. Back then when everyone bet that we would drain very soon.
We are lucky to have started together this revolution.

Because this is what it was, if you think about it. We were all alone, without any “protectors”, without “experts”, without the older ones. This is how we fought.

We managed to convince some, but not all. Yet, we kept the country in Europe and, today, we are still alive in the Parliament. Not with the representation that we wanted, whatsoever. But, proud, because once again we made it on our own.

We proved that we do not need corruption, in order to survive.

We proved that there can be another way in politics too, except for the decline of promises and populism.

My friends,

Many of us got tired these last 20 months. Some of us thought that it would be easier. Some set other priorities. They focused on their jobs, on the daily pay, on their children, their parents. All those things that have gotten harder and harder over the years of the crisis.

We all made a decision that we did not want our Movement to bear the bad habits of the old system. We all made a decision that we would not copy the past. We said that we will discover our own way. We fixed some mistakes right away. Some others will need to be fixed by all of us together.

Some people got disappointed. Maybe by my mistakes. Or the mistakes of my partners. Or even their own mistakes. But, this couldn't have happened in any other way.

So, our Convention will get to surprise everyone. Since we will change the country itself, we are definitely capable of changing our Movement.

Power – Meritocracy – Solutions. This is what Potami stands for.

Yet, we will not be able to fill in one gap. The gap of your absence. Therefore, I want you to be there. Again.

I urge you to speak. And stop listening to those who want to carry us away. To the one, or the other direction.

We support Potami and we will keep it this way.

Modernists and progressive. In constant conflict with the conservative forces of the country. New Democracy, SYRIZA, PASOK.

Defending the citizen that creates, trying, suffering against the state of political parties.

So, join the battle again and get yourself in the front. I will not tell you the ways.You know how.

All I want to tell you is that you need to be there! I want you to be there! In December's major meeting.

There where we will change everything.

Remember what we lived, in the first convention that we had in Lavrio.

This time we will do more.

This time we will live more.


In case that you think that you have something to say that cannot wait until the convention, then do not hesitate to send me an email to stavrostheodorakis@gmail.com .

I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Keep in mind that the dialogue has already started in the Pre-convention Dialogue Platform, in contact.topotami.gr .
